Hans choose a twin trunk yew for demonstration
Planting angle is suggested
Putting ideas to paper
Taper to the small trunk is carved in
The large block of wood to the rear of the small trunk is reduced
Wiring starts on the small tree
SWITCH ! Faithful assistant takes over wiring the large trunk
Randi's Juniper

Rich's Sumo Yew
shady side bonsai

William's Juniper Procumbens 'Nana' .

Flex's Honeysuckle

Ian's Cherry

Other Trees From the Workshop

Hans sizes up his subject
Explanation of the design concept
Final discussion before work
Front carving completed
WAIT! .... Hans what if we did this instead...we could always use a plan B
Keeping your crotches clean!
Tom continues to wire or his he pretending to be Wilson from the TV show "Tool Time"
Bonsai workshop



Bonsai Material


Yew Tree

Some thinning to open up the tree
Fielding questions on design
Carving begins
Now for the back
Carving continues
Wiring on the small trunk coming to a close
Wake me when the wiring is finished.......to be continued
Shady Side Bonsai

Bonsai Tree



Pine Bonsai

Bye....Thanks for Coming!